Where is Menomonie Accessible?

If you are interested in attending an event in the city of Menomonie, be sure to contact the Menomonie Recreation Department in advance. They will accommodate you for the event or program. 

Wolske Bay Park and Lakeside Park are disability accessible locations. More accessible trails can be found on TrailLink.com

Let's Go Fishing Menomonie is the local chapter for the non-profit organization Let's Go Fishing. This organization provides fishing and boating recreation for individuals with disabilities.  


Examples of the Community Being Accessibility Forward

The Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin pageant for 2018 was held in Menomonie. The national website says the pageant is focused on recognizing individuals with disabilities for their advocacy, achievement, communication, and presentation. It works to help empower women with disabilities as well as educate able-bodied individuals about people with disabilities.  

Apps to Help Improve Information About Accessibility in the Area

If you are interested in increasing information about accessibility in Menomonie, try downloading the apps; Wheelmate and Wheelmap.

  • On Wheelmate you can add information about accessible bathrooms and parking spaces.
  • On Wheelmap, you can provide information on all kinds of accessible locations. They have categories for shopping, restaurants, transportation, leisure activities, hotels, tourism, education, authorities, health, sports, and miscellaneous.
  • Another app you could consider downloading is Access Earth. Access Earth is still in development but is working towards providing information about which spaces are accessible. Within this app, you can create a profile explaining your accessibility needs. 

Assistive Technology and Other Resources

Aging and Disability Resource Center and The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin are great resources to help individuals find the care and resources they need.

A&J Mobility
