What do you know about Pulse Nightclub Shooting?

Pulse nightclub is a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. On June 12 of 2016 there was a large mass shooting which killed 49 people and injured 53 people. A majority, 90%, of the people killed or injured were latin individuals because they were holding a Latin Pride Night. This was one of the worse mass shootings in American history that effected two minorities: the latin community and the lgbt community. Most people do not know that a majority of the people were latin because the media treated the tragedy as an lgbt issue instead of thinking about it with intersectionality and believing that it could have been both a race and lgbt issue. This resulted in a lot of pain and fear in both the latin and lgbt communities as a result of the mass shooting

This is a social issue and I would rate it as a 10 on a scale of pain because it was a mass shooting. #GEOG203

Citation: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/figure/10.1080/00918369.2017.1328217?scroll=top&needAccess=true