What do you know about A Comparison of Cognitive Therapy, Applied Relaxation and Imipramine in the Treatment of Panic Disorder?

Recent studies have shown that cognitive therapy is an effective treatment for panic disorder. However, little is known about how cognitive therapy compares with other psychological and pharmacological treatments. During treatment patients had up to 12 sessions in the first 3 months and up to three booster sessions in the next 3 months.. Cognitive therapy and applied relaxation sessions lasted one hour. Imipramine sessions lasted 25 minutes. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/comparison-of-cognitive-therapy-applied-relaxation-and-imipramine-in-the-treatment-of-panic-disorder/AF2C1FA7657637D262D61942C5563647


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