Downtown Greenway | Greensboro, NC Greensboro is home to many different ways to stay away from others while still getting exercise, fresh air, and plenty of sunlight. Try taking a walk on one of many Greensboro's Greenway Trails

What are they?

Greenways are long walking trails that typically go on for miles. They allow people to experience nature on a very easy level. Many of the roads are paved, or bridged over to prevent people from having to walk through the mud or small creeks that flow through the area. 

Why go?

These walk ways are great for people who need to get out of their house. It allows for people to get fresh air while still being socially distant from others if they would like. The paved trials are easily marked so there is no chance of getting lost, and is also easy on feet and knees. 

These are perfect for children because its an outlet for them to release some energy. Some sections of the greenways may even have playgrounds and other children friendly areas. There are some with basketball courts and fields for soccer and other sports.

Dogs and other animals that can be put on leash are welcomed as well on the greenways, so bring the whole family.

Greenway Tips!

1. Take water and snacks

2. Dress appropriately for the weather

3. Roads may be slippery when wet

A good thing about greenways are that they span for miles, so odds are there's at least one entrance to anyone within driving distance. Give one a try, these can drastically reduce stress and clear minds.