West Davis is NOT a separate city (as is West Sacramento). Instead West Davis is the hip slang name for most any place in Davis west of Highway 113. Some people also know it as "Best Davis."

West Davis is populated primarily by masses of residential housing projects, such as Stonegate, West Manor, Village Homes, and Westwood.

The area has just one small shopping center, which now has a grocery store. The campus's West Village development, which opened south of Russell Blvd. in 2011, promises to have at least a small cafe, which will be within biking distance of West Davis residents.

Those who can handle the 15-minute bike ride from campus along the beautiful Avenue of Trees are rewarded by some pretty amazing scenery, although a good deal of that scenery is being replaced by the West Village development. Russell Blvd. is the main non-highway route heading west out of Davis, providing a great path for weekend bike treks. The many crows along Russell are amazingly smart: they have figured out how to drop black walnuts from the trees onto the road so that cars will hit them and crack them open, thus saving them a whole lot of beak work.

Those who go too far west past West Davis might come upon Winters in a few minutes if driving; a bit longer if bicycling. By the time you cross County Road 98, you're officially in the outskirts of town.

See Navigating Davis for other regions.

The beginning of Lake Blvd. is quite dramatic. Black walnuts alongside the road. West Davis boasts plenty of blue skies and open air, being relatively free from commercialism

Apartment Complexes

Other Housing

Parks and Outdoor Features


Shopping and Businesses


If you consider anything west of 113 West Davis, then you can include these restaurants in Northeast West Davis:

Public Transit

Public Services
