The Seal of the University is the university logo that appears on official documents coming from UCD Administration (or the University Office of the President or UCD faculty or staff, or even grad students. Really, everyone uses that seal.). There are two commonly used official seals: The University of California seal, and the UC Davis seal:

The Seal of the University of California The Seal of the University of California, Davis

Some uses of the Seal were to be replaced by the UC Logo, but it was withdrawn after widespread criticism from alumni, students, faculty, and other interested parties.

The Class of 1999 was apparently nice enough to donate the University a big polished granite version of the seal at the entrance to the Memorial Union, though the gold-colored letters and numbers in the message saying donated by the Class of 1999 have gradually disappeared due to theft.

If one was to find one's self on top of the MU, and one took a picture of this seal from above, and one rotated that picture 180 degrees so that the text is right side up, that picture might look something like this:

The seal covers a formerly grassy circle, which itself was once part of the Old Rec Hall.

I believe UC Berkeley is the only UC to have their name written along the side of the seal, as in:

UC Berkeley Seal

Trademark Status

All the seals (including the above images) are trademarks and copyright the Regents of the University of California. Their usage here is within the range of copyright law's Fair use. If you are part of the UC system and/or want to use a seal to represent your group, their use is restricted and one must obtain permission, as outlined on the university website.


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2009-04-16 21:02:55   From the vantage point of the photographs, the seal in front of the MU is probably marble. I'll take a look next chance I get but don't worry, I'll leave the HCl at home (as if I had any!). —RyanMikulovsky