At least 17 bulbs and corms are native to the land within Chico's city limits, including two rare fritillaries (the Butte County fritillary and the adobe lily)1 and spanning six plant families: the agave family, onion family, asparagus family, lily family, false hellebore family, and Chilean crocus family. Chico's native bulbs and corms are described below.

Agave Family

Narrowleaf Soaproot

Narrowleaf soaproot is a white-flowering soaproot that tolerates serpentine. You can read more about it at the Las Pilitas Nursery website, see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Wavyleaf Soaproot

Wavyleaf soaproot is a three-foot-tall, white-flowering soaproot that prefers sunny areas. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Onion Family

Narrowleaf Onion

Narrowleaf onion is a pink- or white-flowering onion that tolerates serpentine. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Asparagus Family

California Cluster-Lily

California cluster-lily is a purple cluster-lily that prefers dry sunny areas. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Dwarf Cluster-Lily

Dwarf cluster-lily is a purple cluster-lily that prefers dry sunny areas with seasonal moisture. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Blue Dick

Blue dick is a purple cluster-lily that prefers sunny areas with good drainage. It is equally likely to grow in wetlands or non-wetlands. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Wild Hyacinth

Wild hyacinth is a purple cluster-lily that prefers dry sunny areas with good drainage. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Twining Snakelily

Twining snakelily is a pink cluster-lily that prefers dry sunny areas with good drainage, but tolerates partial shade and some moisture year-round. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Bridges' Prettyface

Bridges' prettyface is a purple cluster-lily that prefers dry sunny areas with good drainage, and tolerates serpentine. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

White Cluster-Lily

White cluster-lily is a white cluster-lily that prefers sunny areas with good drainage. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Ithuriel's Spear

Ithuriel's spear (Triteleia laxa). Photo by queerbychoice. Ithuriel's spear is a purple cluster-lily that prefers dry sunny areas with good drainage. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Lilac Prettyface

Lilac prettyface is a white cluster-lily that prefers sunny areas. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Lily Family

Yellow Mariposa Lily

Yellow mariposa lily is a yellow lily that prefers dry sunny areas with good drainage. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Butte County Fritillary

Butte County fritillary is an orange and yellow fritillary that tolerates serpentine and prefers sunny areas with good drainage. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Adobe Lily

Adobe lily is a pink fritillary that prefers sunny areas. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

False Hellebore Family

Chaparral Death Camas

Chaparral death camas is a two-foot-tall, white zygadene that prefers shady areas. You can read more about it at the Las Pilitas Nursery website, see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Chilean Crocus Family

Hartweg's Doll's-Lily

Hartweg's doll's-lily is a white doll's-lily that prefers wet, partly shady areas. You can see pictures of it on CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa, and find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

