The Oecher Bend is a big fair, which takes place twice every year on the "Bendplatz" close to our Audimax. There are roller-coasters, carousels, all the typical fairground booths and obviously loads of unhealthy, sugary, finger-licking-good food.

The next Öcher Bend will be the 4th of April until 20th of April 2015  followed by the summer event from 7th of August until 17th of August 2015. The Bend is open every day within those periods from 2 pm until 12 pm. For more information visit the website The last evening of the bend is always celebrated with a fireworks display.

photographer: Arne Hückelheimphotographer: Arne Hückelheim


"Öche" is the word for "Aachen" in the local dialect and "Bend" refers to a big meadow.